Wildland Recreation Interface

We are always looking for ways to improve our landscape-scale treatment processes to create safe, sustainable, multiple-use forest lands. One way to compliment fire mitigation treatment and add immediate value to a landscape is by integrating recreation experience amenities. The U.S. has a growing demand for unique outdoor experiences.

106’s WRI Uses a four-seasons approach to wildland recreation amenities for year-round recreation experiences.

Some of the many benefits of WRI are:

Multi-use recreation amenities can be easily designed as part of a treatment program, and implemented post treatment.

  • Multi-use recreation amenities can be efficiently designed into a treatment program and implemented post-treatment.
  • Quality recreation experiences reduce the impacts of visitor use on the landscape.
  • Recreation amenities increase property values
  • Recreation experiences are a strategic investment that helps sustain and feature high-value treasured landscapes and sites.
  • Recreational amenities directly benefit the economy of the local communities.

The outdoor recreation economy in the U.S. “is bigger than mining, bigger than agriculture, and on par with broadcasting and telecommunications.”