Wildfire Mitigation Design

Catastrophic wildfire is the largest and most immediate threat to the high elevation forests in the west.  Conifer encroachment brought on by decades of total fire suppression has brought the forest ecosystem to the brink of disaster and has stripped the land of healthy biodiversity.

Forest managers have been forced into a reactive situation to mitigate the damage caused by fire instead of employing proactive forest management practices to prevent or substantially reduce the potential for one of these events.

106 Reforestation has developed a proprietary system to do massive landscape forest management planning, coordinated through the use of 3D GIS mapping. This proprietary approach allows us to plot the proper removal of heavy forested trees to create a plan that accounts for draft paths that wildfire may take and what clearing must be done to provide the appropriate amount of buffer to control fires on a stand by stand basis and to create an immediate regrowth that stabilizes the soils and creates a natural looking biodiverse forest.


106 stands alone to solve one of the most important issues facing Utah and all the Western United States: the expanding populations and growing forest urban interface. As our footprint expands, so too do the urban interface issues when not properly and proactively managed. These neglected areas will certainly lead to astronomical damages when forests burn into home and cabin areas.

These plans account for aspen regeneration, development of excellent wildlife habitat creating a plan that will be natural and appropriate for a healthy forest, Results are quick and can see improved wildlife habitat, improved watershed and a hearty forest that will withstand the threat of catastrophic fire for decades