106 Reforestation: Our Responsibility to Nature and Innovative Conservation Strategies
When wildfires threaten, and forests struggle, conventional thinking isn’t enough. Mike Siaperas and 106 Reforestation are pioneering a bold new path in forest restoration and

Stronghold Program Launches at Range Valley Ranch: A Collaborative Initiative by the Best Defense Foundation (BDF) and Mike Siaperas
Imagine a world where a veteran’s greatest battle isn’t on foreign soil but in the quiet moments of returning home. This is the mission of

Mike Siaperas’ Atlantis USA Foundation: The Beginnings
Mike Siaperas, grew up in rural Utah as the grandson of Greek and Italian immigrants. From a young age and his humble beginnings he had

Bulldozing Aspen to Grow Aspen
Bulldozing Aspen to Grow Aspen by Darren McAvoy For the past few years, Utah landowner Mike Siaperas has been bulldozing openings in his mature aspen

High Elevation Habitat Restoration
High Elevation Habitat Restoration By Sportsman for Fish and Wildlife This article was originally published in Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife SFW News on September

Timber Tour on the Tavaputs Plateau, Utah
Timber Tour on the Tavaputs Plateau, Utah USU Forestry Extension cohosted the fourteenth annual Timber Harvest Tour on the Tavaputs Plateau, Utah….” by Darren McAvoy, USU

The Importance of a Dynamic Management Plan for Investor Owned Forest Property
The Importance of a Dynamic Management Plan for Investor Owned Forest Property 106 Reforestation has some guidance on building a Forest Land Investment Management Plan

Aspen Regeneration
Aspen Regeneration “Aspen forests are among the West’s signature ecosystems, yet they have been in steep decline thanks to decades of fire suppression and browsing

Wildlife and Grazing Management
One of the most desirable things we seek on private and public lands in the west is the presence